The game contains the main attraction fighting game as well as three additional games inside. Since Mortal Kombat?s humble beginnings, each MK game has tried to be more and more about storyline, but Deception takes an odd turn. Now it is up to you to take to the fighting arenas and try to stop the Dragon King in Mortal Kombat. In a moment of desperation, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung and Raiden join forces in an effort to stop the Dragon King, unfortunately they do not succeed. It is then that the legendary Dragon King returned to the land of the living to claim all the power of the universe.

With that, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung turn on each other and begin battling to achieve sole control over all realms. It looked as though the Deadly Alliance had finally achieved their ultimate goal, but such bonds were meant to be broken. Despite Radien?s valiant efforts, he is ultimately defeated at the hands of the evil invaders. Mortal Kombat Deception opens with Raiden making a last stand against the evil sorcerer Shang Tsung and the diabolical Quan Chi for control over the Earth realm. Many years, attempts at getting the franchise banned and sequels, Midway is at it again, sticking to their successful run on home consoles with Mortal Kombat Deception. There was no game like this ever before in terms of violence and blood. All that changed, however, the day Midway introduced a fighting game by the name of Mortal Kombat to an unsuspecting public.

Yes, it was a happy time when parents would dump there children into arcades and go on about their business, secure in the idea that nothing could go wrong or ruin the fragile little minds of their children. All this was before the annoying days of people putting their quarters on the screen, signifying that they were next (this would lead me to throwing said quarters onto the ground and then lead to a fist fight which usually resulted in being ejected from the arcade for the day).

People would surround the newest and hottest games eagerly awaiting the chance to challenge the resident arcade wizard. Spending countless hours and quarters at Aladdin?s Castle, the local mall arcade, or the mini arcade at the movie theater. When I think about the game Mortal Kombat, it conjures memories of my youth (not that I?m old or anything?I?m still in my mid-twenties?that?s not old, right), a simpler time when a quarter actually allowed you to play a video game at the arcade.